How freakin awesome are you?

this is a lame quiz that i made cause im really bored....basically it tells you if you're freakin awesome....hence the name....but its totally biased because its completely and totally based on my likes and good luck sucker

would i actually deign to talk to you??? not that anyone wants me to talk to them.....but anyone take this quiz and be proud if you score freakin low. plz dont take offense...all though i am offensive haha

Created by: Lydia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. of these which is the best?
  2. favorite color
  3. favorite movie
  4. if you have a bf/gf and this super hot movie star wanted to f*** u would u cheat?
  5. which of these pizza toppings do you prefer:
  6. will you marry me?
  7. have you ever had a bf/gf?
  8. if you have had a bf/gf have you ever cheated?
  9. do you consider yourself....
  10. which would you rather do
  11. i love theorems and postulates!
  12. pick one
  13. last question
  14. ha i was you prefer

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Quiz topic: How freakin awesome am I?