how floridian are you?

there are many tourists that think they can be called floridian but that does not work so i made this to test them and i thought it would be cool so i did it.

are you a floridian? lets see this test is not very good i know it may be boring but this is my first test so lets find out if you are a floridian lets go.

Created by: faith
  1. have you ever had cuban bread
  2. have you ever had a cuban sandwich?
  3. have you ever had pollo tropical?
  4. do you go swimming on Christmas day?
  5. Do you have to parallel park when you take your drivers test
  6. which one of these are football teams
  7. where is disney located
  8. do know what the sting ray shuffle is
  9. have you ever touched a stingray?
  10. do you have gators in your back yard

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Quiz topic: How floridian am I?