How Fixel are you?

There's one person, for the moment extremely up-and-down. He calls himself Fixel, and he's unique. Or is he? Let's find out, let's see how different you two are, and if you're lucky, you're quite the opposite! That person, by the way, is me.

Well then, how much Fixel do you have inside? Hopefully not that much, but one cannot always be sure! Swallow the little honor you have and give this a try, to find out more about you...or Fixel.

Created by: Wille aka Fixel!
  1. Katatonia, what is that?
  2. Taking things too serious, are you?
  3. Why would anyone think you're a freak?
  4. And why the f--- do you call yourself Fixel, of all names?
  5. If you had a holy time of the day, what time would it be?
  6. And now for something totaly unrelated! What gun did Clint Eastwood use in Dirty Harry?
  7. Do you keep a diary?
  8. Do you have a sixth sense?
  9. IS, the answer to the ultimate question, 42?
  10. What's your favourite time of day? Not the holy moment, just which part of the day.
  11. I'd rather listen to...
  12. At last, if you were like me, got the best results of this test, would you be proud?

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Quiz topic: How Fixel am I?