How Finnish Are You

Are you Finnish? Do you think you are Finnish? Are you strong enough to live in the cold and dark. Are you smart enough to know the Finnish language?

Come check out this quiz to find out if YOU are Finnish, see if you are apart of the small Finnish, but safe community. Try now in this free quiz at

Created by: Fin
  1. What do Finnish people enjoy the most?
  2. What don't Finnish people?
  3. Are Finnish people?
  4. What do they use the most in sauna's?
  5. What is the most common thing for a Finnish teenager to say?
  6. Where is Finland located in?
  7. What are Finnish people good at making?
  8. How do kids and teens transport with to school?
  9. Can kids/teens?
  10. Are Finnish people?

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Quiz topic: How Finnish am I