How Financially Literate Are You?

How financially literate are you? Can you go out and start an independent life all by yourself? These are important questions, and we will determine the answer with a fun little quiz!

What your mum and dad do to run your house isn't easy it requires a lot of technical knowledge. If you wanna give them a competition take the quiz and shoe them what you got.

Created by: Taz

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  1. What does a budget mean to you?
  2. Over what time period will you prepare your budget?
  3. Why will you create a budget?
  4. Why is preparing a budget so important?
  5. In your budget which amount will you put aside first?
  6. How would you record your budget?
  7. How will you know if you are on track with your budget?
  8. Who prepares your budget?
  9. What will you include in a budget?
  10. What is superannuation?
  11. When does your employer must pay money into your super fund?
  12. How many digits does a Tax file number (TFN) have?
  13. What helps administer tax and other Australian Government systems?
  14. How many times TFN is issued to us?
  15. How can you pay your tax?
  16. What is the taxable payment if you are a resident in Australia?
  17. What will allow your payer to work out how much tax to withhold from payment made to you?
  18. With your first pay you receive a document called ...
  19. What does a payslip outline?
  20. When you start receiving a taxable payment, your payer gives you form which helps you quote your...
  21. Arriving on time and respecting your employer is a ...
  22. Who governs the work conditions of many jobs?
  23. What should you find out about the job before accepting it?

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Quiz topic: How Financially Literate am I?