How fat should you be? Quiz with some elements of story.

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Welcome to our quiz! Today you have a chance to know what figure you want to be with! There are different shapes... There is normall, there is fat, and there is also obese! We hope you enjoy this quiz with story elements. ;)

No one is going to judge, no matter what your options are. This is your right to free will, so go for it, friends! (Hint: the quiz can be taken multiple times)

Created by: Storial Woowie
  1. Before we start, let's get acquainted! How old are you?
  2. Fine. Since you got to this quiz, then you probably want to be fatter. What purpose do you want to be?
  3. Impressive. What would your ideal body look like?
  4. Great. Then which of the proposed options would you choose? (It's weight gain)
  5. Creative impotence... Let's go back to the quiz. How would your family/friends/colleagues react to your desired form?
  6. Lunch break my friends! There won't be a question, but the quiz doesn't end. It will continue immediately after we return. In the meantime, let the different fat levels chat with each other :)
  7. And here we are! Let's move on to the last three questions. So... How would you like to get fatter?
  8. Suppose a holiday has come, a festive table is laid. How much would you eat?
  9. Last question for today. Who do you think you would become in the future?
  10. This is the end of this quiz. There will be many more such fun quizzes ahead. In the meantime, let's listen to our heroes. :)

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Quiz topic: How fat should I be? Quiz with some elements of story.

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