How fat should you be?

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This quiz will help you determine your true weight! Hopefully you find and achieve that weight! Remember we don’t discriminate your weight but the bigger the better! Go get those pot bellies, thunder thighs, thicc booties, and melon boobs! :)

Our souls are actually obese and can only show it’s true form if we match it’s true size. That’s why I made this quiz! To show you how big you need to be to compensate for you soul! Happy quizzing!

Created by: Ashley-230
  1. What is your dream weight?
  2. Which option is you?
  3. What is your ideal spouse?
  4. (Role play) You wake up to see you are twice as heavy as you were last night(Let’s say you are now ~240 pounds). What do you do?
  5. (RP) You wake up and find yourself tied up and having a tube attached to your mouth. An announcer says that you will gain a pound every second you stay until you pull the switch. How long do you stay (Base weight is 100lbs)
  6. (RP) You get 100 free chocolate bars. Each bars forces you to gain 5 pounds. How many do you eat? (Starting at 120lbs)
  7. (RP) Your crush says they want to gain weight and want you to help, only if you gain half as theirs (Crush gains lbs and you gain 50)
  8. How much do you eat?
  9. Are you turned on by being full?
  10. If you had the choice which would you pick?
  11. Would you have intercourse with a fatter version of your crush or the normal sized crush
  12. Which would be the best scenario to live in
  13. (RP) You are teleported to a laboratory. You are strapped to a table and hear an announcement. You have to select a weight. Once selected you will become that weight. You will then have to live the rest of your life that weight. Choose wisely

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Quiz topic: How fat should I be?

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