how fat are you?

there are just as many fat people in this world as there are pretty people. what is a fat personyou ask? it is a person who heavily over eats and who does not exercise on a weekly or daily basis.

are you fritened because none of your friends will tell you the truth. well trust me my quiz will. if you take this quiz truthfully you will finnly know if you need to drop a few pounds

Created by: eagle man
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you eat 4 meals
  2. do you go to the mall just to eat the food and not to shop
  3. on Good Friday do you eat meat
  4. do you pick friends on what they eat
  5. is your favorite show on the food channel
  6. when you sit near people do they move
  7. do you work at a restuant
  8. do people laugh at you when you walk
  9. what is your favorite food
  10. when you are in a car does it turn into a lowrider
  11. have you enjoyed this quiz

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Quiz topic: How fat am I?