How Fat Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Fat Are You?
You are 100% fat!!!
100%You are really obese I wasn't expecting anyone to get this result. Are you just messing around? You are serioulsy binging if this is no joke. Cut down on the food, up the excersise. If you ARE fooling around, retake this quiz right now!
Sws20251 -
You are 67% fat!!! 67%
You have curves, but hopefully you're proud of it, coz you should be. Well done. Excellent result, practically best ever.
I got more than curves XD
I actually do have a medical condition, but I am a bit chubby and I couldn't care less ;)
Amme_Jayne sorry but the belly button one makes no sense
Tootsie1 -
I am 8% fat! I an super skinny now I know rhx I always thought I was fat but now I know. Thank you!
I got 38%
I got 74%
and yeah, I binge eat. -
30% fat? I'm not a twig
I'm 45% fat
Arwen1 -
This was a good quiz. I got 40%, so i now know that I'm not fat :-D :-D
I made this quiz!!! First one!!!
I made this quiz!!! First one!!!
i got 4% but i think its wrong
good quiz
misskiss1 -
59% i'm so fat :'(
- 1