How fat are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How fat are you?

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  • How fat are you?
    Your Result: Obese 90%

    You are obese. You are way off the deep end. You're belly is now a mass, it can no longer be measured independently. It is almost an entire foot ahead of you when you walk, if you walk. You need to loose 60-200 pounds to live a safe and healthy life.

    78% Fat Belly
    59% Chubby Belly
    35% Pot Belly
    0% Skinny
    0% Pudge Belly

  • I got obese, I've been staring my weight loss journey an hopefully I get fat by when I'm 18, my goal weight is 300lbs I'm at 440ish as of a few days ago


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