How fat are you

There are many people in the world. Some are fat and some are not. in this quiz you can find out if you are fat or nat and it actually works. for girls only

I am cubby girl by self and it feels amazing all the guys love fat girls but never get to caried away being fat like me is only fun when its in a healthy style.

Created by: FatChick54
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how often do you go to fast foods.
  2. How much do you weigh?
  3. What bra size do you use. (if you do use and in big or small)
  4. When you can eat whatever you want would you...
  5. do you like being fat?
  6. can you run and jump high?
  7. can you go up stairs
  8. do you get comments about your weight?
  9. stand up look down. what do you see?
  10. when you sit down do you have fat fabs?
  11. do you like your body?

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Quiz topic: How fat am I