How Fat Am I Really? | Comments

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  • Obese 94%

    You are obese! You are very fat but can't do really anything about it. You try to eat healthy, but you are still, and hate being obese. You may be bed bound, and may waddle if you're not. You hate your bigness!

    85% Obese
    50% Overweight
    47% Overweight
    10% Healthy
    0% Underweight
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  • How Fat Am I Really?
    Your Result: Obese 97%

    You are obese! You are very fat and love to eat. You never do any exercise. You eat whenever and love being obese! You may be bed bound, but you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want! Don't be ashamed of your bigness!

    89% Obese
    48% Overweight

    I love sisey
  • I'm very overweight and have 4 fat rolls but I wanna keep on gaining! I love being obese and McDonald's is like my second home!

    • Yeah, you should, I was in the same situation and I'm now the biggest person in the world and I like it so much

  • Hi, so I'm 5.1ft im 13 yrs old and i weigh 437 bs I cant do anything i cant walk for 2 minutes without being so out of breath i have to stop and sit down for 20 minutes i cant fit on bus seats, school seats, plane seats anything the problem is my mums been a drug addict since i was about 3 years old she cant cook and nor can I so we just order takeout every breakfast, lunch and dinner but its not your regular sausage mcmuffin we'll order heaps of food and then have pot noodles and ready meals as snacks i can't go to sleep without being out of breath i get bullied so much and then my only way to block it out is to eat food I really need some help anything would help i hate my body im scared im going to die and i really need some help

  • Im obese !! I love it so much and wanna be 700 pounds

  • , so I'm 5.1ft im 13 yrs old and i weigh 437 bs I cant do anything i cant walk for 2 minutes without being so out of breath i have to stop and sit down for 20 minutes i cant fit on bus seats, school seats, plane seats anything the problem is my mums been a drug addict since i was about 3 years old she cant cook and nor can I so we just order takeout every breakfast, lunch and dinner but its not your regular sausage mcmuffin we'll order heaps of food and then have pot noodles and ready meals as snacks i can't go to sleep without being out of breath i get bullied so much and then my only way to block it out is to eat food I really need some help anything would help i hate my body im scared im going to die and i really need some help

    9 months ago
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    The first time
  • Obese

    The first time
  • Im obese and have an unbelievably fat belly. I love being a fatty and gaining.

  • Im obese and have an unbelievably fat belly. I love being a fatty and gaining.

    Getting Fatter
  • I am extremely overweight my stomach hsngs many inches over my waist like and I look like a walrus!

    Kaleidoscope 28

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