How Fat Am I Really? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Fat Am I Really?

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  • I'm very overweight and have 4 fat rolls but I wanna keep on gaining! I love being obese and McDonald's is like my second home!

    • Yeah, you should, I was in the same situation and I'm now the biggest person in the world and I like it so much

  • Hi, so I'm 5.1ft im 13 yrs old and i weigh 437 bs I cant do anything i cant walk for 2 minutes without being so out of breath i have to stop and sit down for 20 minutes i cant fit on bus seats, school seats, plane seats anything the problem is my mums been a drug addict since i was about 3 years old she cant cook and nor can I so we just order takeout every breakfast, lunch and dinner but its not your regular sausage mcmuffin we'll order heaps of food and then have pot noodles and ready meals as snacks i can't go to sleep without being out of breath i get bullied so much and then my only way to block it out is to eat food I really need some help anything would help i hate my body im scared im going to die and i really need some help

  • Im obese !! I love it so much and wanna be 700 pounds

  • Obese

    The first time
  • Im obese and have an unbelievably fat belly. I love being a fatty and gaining.

  • Im obese and have an unbelievably fat belly. I love being a fatty and gaining.

    Getting Fatter
  • I am extremely overweight my stomach hsngs many inches over my waist like and I look like a walrus!

    Kaleidoscope 28

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