How Farleigh are you?

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Have you ever attended Farleigh College near Mells? If so, take this quiz and follow my little koala to the end of Australia. Ha-ha. I'm just messing with you.

Okay, so this quiz might be a bit stupid, but come and at least give it a try. I promise you that your result will be as accurate as possible. Have a nice day, peoples!

Created by: Anonymous Student
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever had any education Farleigh College?
  2. Have you heard of Farleigh College?
  3. Does Farleigh College sound like a stupid name for a college?
  4. Are you left-handed or right-handed?
  5. Is science a subject you've always liked at school?
  6. Do your parents think your intelligence is less than average?
  7. Your friends call you "stupid". How do you feel about this?
  8. Maths. Do you like the subject?
  9. Astronomy. Do you like the subject?
  10. Red or blue? Which colour is better?
  11. This quiz is stupid, isn't it?
  12. Okay, I admit it. This quiz was bad. Do you accept my apology?

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Quiz topic: How Farleigh am I?