How Famous are YOU?

There are far too many people in the world who only THINK they're famous. What is fame? Fame is a common estimation of one's own reputation. They are usually egotistical and outspoken.

So, are you really famous? Do you think you have the world at your fingertips? Do you have enough swagger to qualify for this prestigious title? Find out if you're actually famous, or if you're just one of the many people who only wish they were.

Created by: d.u.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You know a lot of people, and a lot of people know you.
  2. Do you think you're better than anybody?
  3. Do you stay fresh at all times?
  4. Do you have several nicknames that people know you by?
  5. If somebody did you wrong, what would you do?
  6. If you're good at something, are you modest about it?
  7. Do you think you have power over people?
  8. Do you think people envy you?
  9. Are you enjoying taking this quiz?
  10. Out of the bunch, which words to you identify with the most?

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Quiz topic: How Famous am I?