How Facebook are you?

So, ever wondered what level of Facebooker you are. Are you an obsessive, and addict or simply a 'parent' level facebooker? This simple quiz will work out where you stand in the ranks of facebookland

Are you a facebook zombie or just an entry level facebooker. How much time do you spend in facebookland. This simple test will work it out and establish your status in the world of facebook

Created by: Mike Roberts

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you taking this quiz
  2. Did you arrive here via facebook
  3. When did you last speak IN PERSON to the FB friend you followed this link from
  4. How many Facebook friends do you have
  5. when did you join facebook
  6. how often do you check facebook?
  7. what's the longest time you've spent without checking facebook?
  8. how many 'friends' do you ONLY know on facebook
  9. how often do you post a status
  10. Are you permanently logged into facebook?

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Quiz topic: How Facebook am I?