How evil are you?

So you think you're evil. Chances are you're not. Why not find out? because you're afraid your afraid you might be a nice person. Shut up and take the damn quiz.

It's okay, even if you're not evil it'll be good to have peace of mind. And if you are a nice little git it'll give you reason to get practicing. Start small blowing up school Buses and move on to full on terrorist attacks. I know you have it in you.

Created by: jim jimjims
  1. There's a fly at your desk what do you do?
  2. You're walking down the street and you're friend gets hit buy a car what do you do?
  3. Your little brother/sister annoys you what do you do?
  4. It's snowing!!!What do you do.
  5. What are yo're hobbies?
  6. What are your uses for a woman/man?
  7. How do you entertain guests at your parties?
  8. If i looked in your fridge what would i see?
  9. These dishes are placed in front of you which do you choose?
  10. If i gave you a brick what would you do?
  11. I say potatoe you say.
  12. Finish the statement: Life is like a box of chocolates.
  13. I like my drinks like i like my women.

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Quiz topic: How evil am I?