how EVIL are you?


rwfe gsrhbngfrtvmyhjmyynygsfd egrthryhkuhjjutgrsfd rgthjyjthrggrhhjhgghtrertytdgsdadeffdsdgfdsdfdsdfdsdgfasgfssdgfdsgfdsgfsgfdsgfdhgdsgfdsgfsfdsgfdsfd

Created by: nanner & bow
  1. In a movie, who do you root for?
  2. In a videogame, who do you play?
  3. Witch do you identify most with?
  4. What is your gender?
  5. What is your favorite STAR WARS movie.
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. Hows the quiz?
  8. Do you exist?
  9. Do you eat food?
  10. Did I run out of questions?

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Quiz topic: How EVIL am I?
