How emotional are you?

Do you wonder if you get emotinal, or wonder if you need to calm down or not? Well if so take this simple quiz. If not why not do do it for the fun any way.

Why not its a great fun. Skip reading this come on try it. Please remember to comment on what quiz I should do next and please rate this quiz if you liked it.

Created by: Bella10
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you cry a lot?
  2. Are you funny?
  3. Do you have a boyfriend?
  4. Do you have arguments alot?
  5. Do you get bullied?
  6. What is blue?
  7. If you were on the bachelor and you came off when there was 5 people left would you cry?
  8. Do people call you emotional?
  9. Have you ever been to a councilor before?
  10. Do people call you names?

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Quiz topic: How emotional am I?