How Emo Are You?

Ok,you want to find out your emo?Then take this quiz!You want to find out if you have a good emo rating,take this quiz!I just was bored so I made this quiz up.....

This is a simple quiz to find out if your emo[=-)] or preppy[-_-+].Now that I have told you about this quiz,I am going to go and cuts myself...JUST KIDDING!

Created by: emowolfgurl
  1. What kind of clothes do you wear?
  2. What do you do in your spare time?
  3. How do you think of yourself?
  4. What kind of make-up do you like to wear to school?
  5. Let's see...if you were a creature,what would you be?
  6. Why would you want to be that creature?
  7. Ok,last question...what kind of shows do you watch?
  8. Oops I lied...this is the last question:kdjlkewks or flighert
  9. Wait this is the last question,how well do you think you scored?
  10. WAIT,LAST QUESTION!..........HI!!!!!

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Quiz topic: How Emo am I?