How Emo Are You

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There are many emos and posers, but only true emos know if you are a poser or not. Emos can be depressed and cut, but not every Every Emo does so (cutting). THE QUIZ HAS BEEN DONE!

ARE YOU EMO!!!If you scored high, Embrace the inner Emo sass queen inside you!!Thanks to this amazing quiz system, you will get your results in no less that 5 minutes!

Created by: Ophelia
  1. What Is the Def. of Emo?
  2. When did MCR (My Chemical Romance) start+end & who were the members
  3. What is your fave color (SORRY)
  4. Are all emos gay/lesbian
  5. Who is the most Iconic Emo band and their lead singer
  6. What are the mcr albums in order
  7. What is your style
  8. What is your thoughts on death 💀
  9. What music do you listen to
  10. LAT QUESTION! What SO you want to get? (Dosent affect answer)

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Quiz topic: How Emo am I