How Emo Are You? °~°

I'm assuming your here to see if your Emo? First plug your earphones in and listen to Bring me the iHorizon and then we can begin! aYou excited?! Of course your not you fool your an emo!

Well let's get on with the quiz! You can check out my Instagram its @kittyhoarder, I post band stuffz! Have a nice time and get on with the quiz!

Created by: Jenny

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the beautiful Emo colour combination?
  2. What is the beautiful Emo colour combination?
  3. Outfit of the day!
  4. Hmm... What could we do today?
  5. It's a Friday night, your friends want you to come over! What do you do?
  6. Which of the below is not an anime?
  7. My touch is...
  8. Which of these isn't a Panic! At The disco song?
  9. What time do you go to bed?
  10. So what do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: How Emo am I? °~°