How Emo Are You?

Autobiography of ME! I was a beta animal jam player and I make vids about animal jam on youtube [I am going to make different vids soon] I became emo a bit ago and have a quite scary life. :]

Hi okay so I don't want to write this but the website says I have to to make the test. Don't use this website it is beta and new and horribly developed jk

Created by: xCannyCorex
  1. What is your preference of clothing?
  2. What does your hair look like ATM?
  3. Should emos be a certain gender type? (LGBT or straight)
  4. Why did you take this quiz?
  5. How old are you?
  6. What scares you most?
  7. What is close to ur screenname?
  8. How often do you cry?
  9. What music do you listen to?
  10. How many of these answers did you lie about? Be honest its okay if u did :]

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Quiz topic: How Emo am I?