How Emo are you?

This is just to see if you were emo or not. I am probably 70-80% emo. I like the style and I want this to be fun! I hope you are happy with the results!

I make these quizzes so I can make people happy, or at least, kill their boredom. Also, I accept absolutely NO racial hate or discrimination of skin color or LGBTQ+. I hope you understand!

Created by: Bellatrix lestrange
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. What do you usually wear each day?
  3. What makeup so you wear? (If you wear makeup at all, as this is a quiz for all genders.)
  4. Where do you like to shop?
  5. Are you being honest? (No effect)
  6. DO you have any piercings/tattoos?
  7. Why did you take this quiz? No effect
  8. How emo do you think you are?
  9. Ok last question!
  10. Sike! Here's the last question! You ready for fate?

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Quiz topic: How Emo am I?
