How edgy are you?

One of my favorite quotes is by Harry Winston. He's a jeweler, and started Harry Winston Inc. in New York City in 1932. He said, "People will stare. Make it work their while."

I think this is true. We've only got one life and do we really wanna spend it being "trendy" or whatever? Trends will go away within a couple of years, anyway. Take this quiz to see how edgy you are.

Created by: Alex
  1. What's your usual makeup look?
  2. What kind of music do you listen to?
  3. Pick a top
  4. Pick a bottom
  5. Pick a jacket
  6. Pick an accesory
  7. Pick an evening outfit
  8. What kind of car would you wanna drive?
  9. Would you ever dye your hair?
  10. Would you ever get an "extreme" haircut, like a mohawk?
  11. Would you ever get any piercing or tattoos?

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Quiz topic: How edgy am I?
