How dumb are you?

Are you dumb or not dumb. There aren't many dumb people in the world I don't think, you could be one though. Don't be offended if I say you are because that would just be DUMB.

Well, you can find out here in a few minutes. YOU MIGHT BE DUMB THOUGH, or maybe not SO FIND OUT HERE OR YOU ARE DUMB in just a few minutes. This is a really good test (not trying to be arragant) so take it.

Created by: Pikkachicken9
  1. What is 1+1
  2. Which is the colour green?
  3. What is your name?
  4. Why are pens pens?
  5. You're Stuck in a dungeon and there is a monster that has a gem in his eye, your quest is to take the gem. He has a kitten there as well. What will you do.
  6. If you pet the kitten you die and fail sukka, If you grabbed the gem and jumped into DESTINY world you survive, now you're in DESTINY world and the Fallen come what do you do?
  7. Unscramble this sentence: am idiot. I an
  8. Who is smarter?
  9. What is 2+2
  10. How do you spell no?

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Quiz topic: How dumb am I?