How does your lady friend/crush think about you?

Many people have guy/lady relationships. And some people just want to know how the progress is going. If it is an eligible choice to be around this person.

Many people feel like they should never date their friends. Whether they are a boy or a girl. I mean, I don't know why they think this. I thought one of my lady friends was kinda sexy lookin'.

Created by: CF
  1. Do you two talk on occasion?
  2. Have you two ever told each other about one another's feelings about each other?
  3. How long have you known each other?
  4. Has anyone of you asked the other to go out? Let's say to the movies, dinner, shopping, or a day at the park?
  5. Are you two perfect matches for each other?
  6. Are you two BFF's?
  7. Do you two make trouble at school/work when around each other?
  8. How would you rate your relationship right now?
  9. Did you like this quiz
  10. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How does my lady friend/crush think about you?
