How do you love body inflation?

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WARNING!!! THIS PICTURE IS NOT MY!!!This quiz focuses on body inflation. There are no ways to avoid bloating your body. If you don't want to inflate your body, unfortunately this quiz is not for you. I'm sorry. Well, if you like this quiz, I'm very happy!

Story: You are walking down the street, but suddenly a young man runs up to you, who says that you could become a test subject and you will have a decent salary. He tells you that your reward will be $2,000,000! You accept the offer.

Created by: Snowbell
  1. A young man will drive you to the laboratory in his car. "I hope you don't have any evil plans with me!" you say before he leads you inside. As soon as you walk in, the door closes behind you. A masked gentleman appears in front of you and tells you that you will be safe, these tests will physically they won't hurt. You answer him...
  2. The masked man bends down to pick up his small coins that fell from his trouser pocket. He looks at you with a wet face and starts talking to you calmly:"If you don't cooperate with us, you will stay here forever, but if you cooperate with us, we will be nice to you and serve you. Here you will get food on your plate that you will not find anywhere else!"You answer him:
  3. The masked man looks down at the ground and says:"By the way, call me Moskinson. I'm the kind of person who can be very nice and comfortable, but when someone makes me very angry, I get very angry, and it can have serious consequences!"You:
  4. "Then we could start the tests. Well you can't escape them because all the doors are locked." Mr. Moskinson says. "So we're going to start inflating your body" and he puts a tube from a helium tank into your mouth and your belly starts to fill with fresh hot air. You can't say anything anymore. Four unknown people are holding you by your arms and legs.
  5. Your belly slowly swells and you feel like you're going to burst. Mr. Moskinson will introduce you to a masked lady who has been ordered to rub your belly.
  6. Mr. Moskinson chases the unknown lady away and pulls the tube out of her mouth.,,How do you feel?"You answer:
  7. "Look, I have a tube here! Where do you want me to put it?" asks Mr. Moskinson.
  8. Mr. Moskinson hands a tube to an unknown lady and inserts it into the place you chose. All of a sudden, your ass starts to inflate, and you feel as if it wants to rise.
  9. Suddenly Mr. Moskinson unmasks an unknown lady and you find out... that she is your girlfriend.
  10. Your girlfriend inflates you more until your hips swell and your arms and legs are pulled into your inflated body and your hands and feets rest inside it.
  11. This is where your body starts to rise up because you have a lot of helium in you. Your girlfriend grabs your pants and your underwear is visible.
  12. Well, you suddenly let out a big fart and blow yourself out in all directions. Mr. Moskinson will pick you up and give you a voucher with 2,000,000 dollars!
  13. Which part of your inflation did you like the most?
  14. And in the end: Did you like your inflation?

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Quiz topic: How do I love body inflation?

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