How do you like him?

Do you love him, love him? Or is he more like a brother? Is he your BFF? If your not sure than this is your quiz. It will figure out how your love is directed.

If he's more like a brother, or a friend, then maybe you don't go out with him. I would never go out with my brother, he's disgusting! (insert gagging here) Mabye you do love him, and there is a chance for love!

Created by: samnathaoglesby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know his favorite color?
  2. One a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you think you love him?
  3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  4. Are you going out?
  5. Is he your age?
  6. How much does he annoy you?
  7. Do you share the same interests?
  8. What's your favorite thing to do together?
  9. What letter does his name start with? (No this doesn't count for any point)
  10. Why are you taking this quiz? (Once again this does not count)

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Quiz topic: How do I like him?