How do you know inazuma eleven go

A kinda hard questions to answer! II just wrote what I know..... These are just what I know. Even though I am a fan of it. He he he he. But the answers are correct.

But thanks for answering all of you guys!!! I'll try to make more quizzes for begginers to professional!! But I don't think if my load will carry these...

Created by: Kudou Shishiya
  1. All became captains in raimon (GO), EXEPT ONE
  2. What techniques happened when raimon fought against kaiou?
  3. Who are the PLAYERS that look like a girl (they are boys but look like girls)
  4. Who is the player that has the number: 10
  5. Who is the guy that Tenma met in the trailer promoting "Inazuma Eleven Go"? (Hint: His name is same to the player that has number 7. Hay___________)
  6. How old is Tenma matsukaze?
  7. Who is Mahha Hayami?
  8. Who is Shindou's friend?
  9. What sentence did Endou always say?
  10. Gouenji's younger sister

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Quiz topic: How do I know inazuma eleven go
