How do you know if he'll ask you out???

Do you like someone. You do, don't you. I know you do. You are imagining that first date. You can imagine it. Imagine it. Imagine. It hasn't happened yet.

You need to take this test!! You will figure out when he will ask you out. You will soon go on that first date you imagined. Woo hoo! Yay! Celebrate!

Created by: Love Expert Lydia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know him?
  2. Do you want him to be your soulmate?
  3. Does he text you?
  4. Does he like you?
  5. How do you know him?
  6. Is he your age?
  7. How often do you see him?
  8. What is his personality like?
  9. What is YOUR personality like compared to his?
  10. Are you dating?

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Quiz topic: How do I know if he'll ask you out???