How do you know about Macy's Parade Mysteries?

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Test your Macy's Parade Mysteries knowledge by doing this quiz (based on the Shea the Animation Superstar show of the same name) and you will truly test your skills!

If you wanna learn about Macy's Parade Mysteries and it's magic go and check out the official Macy's Parade Mysteries Wikia on fandom! (home of the Macy's Parade Wikia and many other fandoms galore!)

Created by: MickeyMouseLover2001
  1. When was Macy's Parade Mysteries invented in?
  2. How many main characters are in the show?
  3. What was the first short to include the Macy's Parade Mysteries characters?
  4. Who's the main protagonist of the web show?
  5. Are there characters based on pop culture characters?
  6. Who was originally a villain and then joined the heroes?
  7. What was originally the name for Macy's Parade Mysteries?
  8. Who is the first glowing character in the show?
  9. Is there a Macy's Parade Mysteries RPG game coming out?
  10. You wanna see the answers?

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Quiz topic: How do I know about Macy's Parade Mysteries?
