How Do I Deal with a Kitten's Move away? Advice Needed
Before you take this "quiz", I just want to let you know...this isn't really a quiz. I'm just feeling in the dumps today and feeling really depressed. So leave right now if you can't deal with depression...
This is the first time I'm experiencing loss of a loved one. Sure, I've had family members move, but this connection between me and Misty was so strong. I still can't believe Misty moved. I would do ANYTHING in the world to see him again. I've been praying and praying that he's in a happy place, hoping one day I will see him again. I still don't know what to do. Right now, I've locked myself in my room, staring at a computer screen. I refuse to come out of my room. The bed isn't made yet, I'm still in my pajamas and my hair is a mess. I should be getting up, but I'm way too depressed...