How Different are We?

I don’t really know what to type here, and I don’t want this to sound like some ad either. So I’m just going to be honest. Take this quiz for no reason, just do it anyway!

This 12 question quiz (it was going to be 15) is about your personality and opinion, and your results are going to tell you how different you are compared to me. So stop reading this and take this quiz!

  1. Let’s start with simple questions first. What’s your favorite music genre?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite type of movie?
  4. What is your favorite way to travel?
  5. Do you own a phone? If so, do you like having one?
  6. What month is your birthday in?
  7. What’s your favorite dessert?
  8. What would you eat for breakfast?
  9. If you could travel anywhere on Earth, which continent would you go to?
  10. What is your favorite soda?
  11. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
  12. What are your thoughts on school?

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