How "Dean" are you?

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You might consider yourself a gentleman, refined and of impeccable taste. You may think you are worldly and a person of good character. But, are you "Dean" enough?

What does it mean to be "Dean"? There are many things that define someone who is " Dean"... rugged good looks, a ladies man, someone who is well versed in culture and refined in manners as well as personal appearence. Are you "Dean" enough? Take a few moments and find out!

Created by: Dean D Flyte
  1. You drive a...
  2. You are invited out for a haggis diner...
  3. Someone offers to buy you a drink, you order...
  4. Your diner date shows up wearing a black leather mini-skirt and fishnet stockings...
  5. The radio in your car is tuned to...
  6. In what branch of the armed services did you serve?
  7. If you were alive during WWII, you would have...
  8. Your out at night wearing a kilt. Are you wearing underwear?
  9. Sleep is...
  10. Your favorite color is...
  11. Elvis or The Beatles?
  12. For dinner, you order...
  13. When it comes to a four footed companion, you prefer...
  14. Star Wars or Star Trek?
  15. Do you enjoy watching sports on TV?

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Quiz topic: How "Dean" am I?