How dangerous are you ?

Take this quiz to see how dangerous of a person you really are. This quiz has a total of twelve questions that shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete.

At the end of the quiz you’ll get a percentage score, lower is better in this quiz. The quiz is for anyone to take and has answers that can apply to all people.

Created by: The last human
  1. Have you gotten started a fight ?
  2. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law ?
  3. You dark fantasy’s have which option in them.
  4. If you could kill someone and get away with it, would you?
  5. Someone is upset what will you do( be honest)
  6. You’re half way though do you think you are dangerous ?
  7. How’s your patience?
  8. How would other people describe you? Pick option closet to your thoughts.
  9. Do you think empathy is important?
  10. Hey best way to deal with someone who is causing a problem is to…
  11. The most important people to you are ?
  12. Do you feel the need to hurt/ kill people ?

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Quiz topic: How dangerous am I ?
