How Dûmb ære You?

There are many people who think they are smart bit are accually dumb cubed. This quiz ismfor da dumb. Smart peopel you will easily complet this quoz so dont evemn attempted it.

How smart are you? You think your smart. But can you crack ciaddia 3301? Can you crack the beale cipher? Can you find the deep web called marianias eeb. In a few minutes i will say how smart you are.

Created by: Jackie
  1. Which do you prefer? COD or Battlefields 4
  2. Whats 9+10?
  3. What do you wanna works at as?
  4. Y=MX+C Do not use internet. Thst is for dumb s****!!!!!
  5. You wake up for school every day. Whats your impression. Be honest
  6. You like the quiz?
  7. Do not use internet for this. 5 ELECTRONS PLUS 7 NEUTRONS AND 2 PROTONS equal what charge.
  8. MSR?
  9. Whats nike?
  10. You are prime minister of UK. And ISIS attack you. Do you.... P.S. i am trying not to be offensive.

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