How crazy are you?

This will be about the power to solve problems. alltho this quiz is so EPIC, its eyes are yet to be seen. lolwut? so get ready for the most,awesomest, made in 39minutes, at 1:32 in the mornin, quizz! yaaaay -_-

HOW crazy are u? crazy enough to eat a banana s---? *banabas dont take poos!* shut up. if u want to b extreme, u have to prove it. u will go great lenghts, to prove ur manliness. or girlyness, just go, before i falcon punch u *wa?* ?*

Created by: Chris of
(your link here more info)
  1. ok soldier, the base plate platoon is moving towards us at the northernwestern part of our location. from there u will randevu *spell much?* 2 clicks west of our current position
  2. omfg a zombie apocalypse! quick! take 3 items with u that ACTUALLY HELP U ON UR TRAVEL
  4. wich death?
  5. oh no! robbers! quick! wat do u do so they dont see u!
  6. u have 3 items infront of u: a brick, tv, and a remote. how will u die?
  7. How crazy are you?
  8. y wont anyone formspring me?
  9. so, are u up to teh challenge?
  10. so, do u think this quiz was awesome?

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I?