how crazy are you?

How crazy are you? Are you bat s---crazy, multi mental, 50% crazy, somewhat crazy or just a plan normal person. Find out how crazy you really are he he

Do you think your crazy but not sure? Do others say your crazy? Do you feel it's time to really find out the truth? Take my quiz and find out really how crazy you are.

Created by: brenda
  1. You get drunk and do drugs
  2. You hear voices, you think people are out to kill you, you trust no one, your overcome with anxiety depression panic and worry.
  3. You go to jail
  4. You distroy something out of anger
  5. You belive all conspiracy theories, you believe in aliens, you even think you have been abducted.
  6. You believe the news
  7. You are afraid to leave your house. You have extreme people anxiety so bad you cannot work and you make the trip to the grocery store as quick as possible.
  8. You belive the government, the CIA, the FBI are looking for you and you may or may not know why.
  9. You believe the court's are just, not corrupt, truthful, honest, and always do what's best.
  10. You believe our government is actually reptiles
  11. You believe Big corporations are always truthful

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I?