How crazy are you?

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The are so many crazy people in the world, are you on of them? Take this quiz and find out. Please comment, rate, and request quiz ideas to make! Thanks!

Are YOU crazy? Are you? Take this quiz and find out how crazy you are!!! Please comment, rate, and request quiz ideas to make! Thank you so much!!! Thanks!

Created by: ACB
  1. If your friends jumped off a cliff would you?
  2. So you ever get sugar high?
  3. Are you overly excited?
  4. Do you ever scare people?
  5. Would you smash a watermelon or a chicken?
  6. Do you know how to do stuff people aren't supposed to know how to do?
  7. How crazy are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
  8. Three
  9. Please comment, rate, and request quiz ideas to make!
  10. Please take my other quizzes! Just search ACB and they will come up!!! Thx!!!
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I?