How crazy are YOU 1-100? By big sister

I am VERY crazy, I love to do things that don't make sense . Being crazy is fun to me. But you can overdose on crazyness. Who agrees? I DO , I DO !!!!

But, the question is are YOU crazy. You can be very crazy, a little little crazy, kinda crazy, and not crazy at all. I hope you get what you hoped for!

Created by: Jaay H.

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Would you TP (Toilet Paper) your elderly neighbors house?
  2. Would you run down the street with ONLY a tanktop and underwear on?
  3. Would you flip in your office or classroom for no reason?
  4. :D
  5. Would you take THOUSANDS of dandelions , go inside your house and blow them everywhere?
  6. Dont answer anything except ok.
  7. Would you chew a WHOLE 3 packs of gum at the same time?
  8. Are you enjoying this quiz?
  9. Do you think your crazy?
  10. Thanks for taking this quiz!

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I 1-100? By big sister