How crazy are you

There are tons of crazy people out there that do alot of crazy diffrent things. Then there are the real laid back type of people that dont really get into the crazy life. True being crazy can be fun sometimes but if you take it too much to the extreme you can often find yourself in alot of trouble.

How do you know if your crazy? Do people often tell you that you are? do you want to find out if you actually are? try taking this quiz to find out just exactly how crazy you are

Created by: amazon

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You'd get a crazy hairstyle and go in public with it.
  2. Somebody hands you a bottle of vodka do you try to down the whole thing?
  3. Your at a club dancing..your on the left side of the club do you dance so wild that you end up way on the other side?
  4. Your jam is on the radio, you..
  5. You are dared to jump off a garage roof thats about 10 feet do you do it?
  6. Pick the best description of yourself below
  7. you do them?
  8. What type of Dare person are you?
  9. Ever stolen before?
  10. Would you ever start a food fight?

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I