How crazy are you

Okay this quiz is just to know how crazy you think you are don't get offended and please give my quiz a good rating think and understand the questions before answering

I really hope you get your desired results and have a good time taking my quiz dont get too attached though it's exciting and a good way to get rid of boredom

Created by: Khadija
  1. Your age
  2. If you were arrested with no explanation what would your friends and family assume you had done
  3. What would you do to someone to get back at them
  4. If you could hack into anybody's computer whose computer would you choose
  5. Would you like to be an animal mind reader if yes what animal
  6. The house is on fire what would you save first
  7. What so you like being more
  8. You are about to get into a fight what song comes out as your sound track
  9. With all the climbing equipments you need would you jump off a cliff to save your pet monkey
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I
