How crazy am i - Part 1

Being crazy is like being sweet but its the opposite being crazyis not bad but nood good too so be outgoing,weird anything not shy or too sweet this quiz is unforgettable

are you the perfect crazy girl??? maybe;; SO COME ON AND DO THIS QUIZ it is good for your health hahah just joking take this quizz to live its you r des tinhy

Created by: Caityln
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your friends dared you to kiss old womens feet, what will u do?
  2. Which word do you prefer
  3. Whats your name?
  4. Favorite drink
  5. Do you think your crazy?
  6. Which music:
  7. Have a family?
  9. beer means=
  10. Ever been clubbing? :)

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