How Country are you?

Country people got a hillbilly bone in them. Oh by the way, that song's by Trace Adkins. Anyways, try and see how country you are! Are you a city or country person? Try it out and see!

Are you country? Do you have the boots to qualify for that hillbilly title? Until now you only wonder. But thanks to this quiz, in a few minutes you can find out!

Created by: Summer
  1. When you're bored, you're most likely to...
  2. Do you live next to or on a farm?
  3. Hunting or shopping?
  4. Perfume or cow manure... Which smells better?
  5. When you go to the store with your mom... You see a pair of ____ you want to buy.
  6. When you think of your perfect day, you think of...
  7. Plaid or stripes?
  8. You go to school wearing...
  9. There is a horse for sale. You...
  10. Last question. Their is a dance. You wear a dress with....

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Quiz topic: How Country am I?