How Coppull Are You?

Do you know your home town well enough to take this quiz... Come on be a rebel and a sport. Take one for the team and take the 10 questioned quiz if you dare. Take a little time?

Are you in Coppull right now? Do you really qualify to live in Coppull? Until now nobody knows; in a few minutes you may find out :) !!!

Created by: chloe
  1. How old are you?
  2. How many pubs are open in Chorley?
  3. What are Coppullers nicknamed?
  4. Where is the roughest estate to live on?
  5. What does 'up yonder' mean?
  6. What is a ginnel?
  7. What are there most of in Coppull?
  8. Where is the best place to get beer from?
  9. Is this quiz ...
  10. Where is the best place to live?

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Quiz topic: How Coppull am I?