Being cool has to do with many things...including ur personality. If u are pretty, but have a very bad personality not many people will like u. But if u aren't that attractive and have a good personality, you will be popular and cool to other people. As u can see, looks don't mean everything to be cool.

Are YOU cool? Do u think u are? We'll take this quiz and find out! U will be able to know what to work on to become more notices. Thank yaaaaaaahh cxx

Created by: Sammy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. SOO...which out of all would u prefer?
  2. why'd u take this quiz?
  3. how cool do u think u are?
  5. How do ur friends act around u?
  6. Based on how people act around u, how would u rate ur popularity?
  7. answer the following no matter how random it is. :)
  8. Do u have any social media?
  9. Which describes u?
  10. LAST QUESTION ! just chose 1 bc I don't feel like making another question k thx

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