there small grooups in this will be tested in the awesome cool and epic groupsyou will be tested in the cool awesome cool and epic groups in with we count on you

Are you cool is a quiz to test to see if your bionically awesome be honest and fair about your answers and have an awesome time playing this quiz and we hope you get 100%

Created by: clara
  1. do you like pie?
  2. DO you like chuck noris
  3. Whats the begining of you name
  4. What cat did feathertail(warriors) tryed toi save
  5. A random guy comes up and kills your bff you?
  6. beyhvbrhfvbrh
  7. I hate you
  8. bored yet
  9. Almost done just answer this how many woods cucks wouuld a wood chuck chuck wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
  10. i hope your happy where done
  11. just one more question-DO you like me

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Quiz topic: HOW COOL can I BE!