How cool are you? Very accurate!

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Take this quiz to find out if you are cool or not... Very accurate! I know like every quiz says that but this has been developed by sociologists an therefore very accurate.

What are you waiting for get started we have not got all day well you probably have but I haven't I got to get some dinner so I said what are you waiting for - get started!

Created by: Pip of
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you have any siblings?
  2. Do you have any of the following pets: A chicken, dog or rabbit?
  3. Do you play a musical instrument(s)
  4. Do you play a musical instrument(s)
  5. Have you got IBD ( inflammatory bowel disease)?
  6. Do you have an embarrassing dad?
  7. Have you got blond/blonde hair?
  8. Are you the Simpsons biggest fan?
  9. Do you think you are cool answer truthfully plz
  10. Sorry guys got to go hope you get a brill result even if u don't ur still awesomely cool to me :D

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Quiz topic: How cool am I? Very accurate!