How cool are you

A lot of people think they are cool, but they can't see they have no life or freinds. This test will help you understand yourself a little bit better, if you don't anser honestly that is very,very sad

Here it is find out once and for all what you are and what your future holds dont be a f---boy and lie for everything because that is sad and you will never get better

Created by: Mac
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you study?
  2. Are you on any schools teams? What is your main
  3. What do you do after school
  4. What is your favorite subject
  5. Do you like girls?
  6. How often do you do drugs?
  7. Have you had sex
  8. What does "wheeling" mean
  9. Have you wheeled anyone
  10. Where are you going after highschool?

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Quiz topic: How cool am I