how cool are you?

hey people this quiz is to see are you cool enough to be cool cause cool people are cool only take this quiz if you are shure you are cool dude cause i dont

want people gettin mad cause they got an low answer. but hey its just a quiz it doesnt really mean youre a loser just what possiblility you will get so take this quiz

Created by: punk king

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you wear?
  2. what do you listen to?
  3. are you youself?
  4. do you have allot of friends
  5. do you give a damn about what people think?
  6. ok can you headbang?
  7. do you know what a mosh pit is? if yes what is it?
  8. can you play any instrements?
  9. do you stand out?
  10. will you rate and comment?
  11. do you hate skool?
  12. do you hate 5 second rules?
  13. ok most important question! do you like metalica? i think i misspelled that

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Quiz topic: How cool am I?